WINNIE-THE-POOH The Complete Collection 곰돌이 푸 스토리북 30종 박스세트

따뜻한 감성동화, Winnie-the-Pooh를 클래식으로 만날 수 있는 기회!

첫 출간 이후 80년만에 출간된 새로운 Winnie-the-Pooh 시리즈도 함께 즐겨요!

Winnie-the-Pooh를 사랑하는 모두가 반할 예쁜 콜렉션 세트!

작가 A. A. Milne

Winnie-The-Pooh 주요 캐릭터 소개

Winnie-The-Pooh: The Complete Collection 30권 타이틀

1. Winnie-The-Pooh and some Bees/ 2. Pooh Goes Visiting and 
Pooh and Piglet nearly catch a Woozle/ 3. Piglet meets a Heffalump/ 4. Eeyore has a birthday/ 5. Kanga and Baby Roo come to the Forest

6. An Expotition to the North Pole/ 7. Piglet is entirely surrounded by water/ 8. Christopher Robin gives a Party/ 9. Eeyore loses a tail/ 10. A House is Built at Pooh Corner

11. Tigger comes to the Forest/ 12. A Search is organdized/ 13. Tiggers don't climb trees/ 14. Rabbit has a busy day/ 15. Pooh invents a new game

16. Tigger is unbounced/ 17. Piglet does a very grand thing/ 18. Eeyore finds the Wolery/ 19. Christopher Robin and Pooh come to an enchanted place/ 20. Pooh’s Poems

21. Christopher Robin returns to the Forest/ 22. The Spelling Bee/ 23. Rabbit organises almost everything/ 24. It Stops raining for ever/ 25. Pooh goes in search of honey

26. Owl becomes an author/ 27. Everybody learns something/ 28. The Game of cricket/ 29. Tigger dreams of Africa/ 30. The Harvest Festival

곰돌이 푸 스토리북과 함께 영어리딩 실력 향상